Monday, January 6, 2020
Goodbye Nvim-Typescript
UPDATE 2021-07-19: Check “Typescript and ALE” for a more up-to-date information.
Until now I was using nvim-typscript plugin for Typescript development. However the most recent version became unusable and nvim-typescript author seems to be focused on other projects (he is active in github but this project gets less of his attention).
Yes, I know it is open source and I could have fixed the problems potentially myself. Actually, I have even tried to create pull request to solve one of the problems but Mike addressed the same problem in another pull request… and then stopped working on it.
I still think that Mike did amazing job on nvim-typescript and I might come back to nvim-typescript in the future if the need arises. However now I have found that ALE and other plugins can do everything what I need.
There are several reasons why I was using nvim-typescript. Here I will address my use cases one by one and how I address them.
Auto-complete - it looks like ALE supports tsserver and auto-complete works out of the box. Nothing extra to configure.
Import - this one is a little bit trickier. As I’m using ctags anyway, I have started using kristijanhusak/vim-js-file-import for imports.
As well ALE seems to have tsserver autoimport (not sure how that works):
let g:ale_completion_tsserver_autoimport = 1
Go to definition
In nvim-typescript we have command TSDef. ALE has ALEGoToDefinition that works with tsserver as well. I am using mappings that override my tags mappings:
autocmd FileType typescript map <buffer> <leader>d g<c-]>
autocmd FileType typescriptreact map <buffer> <leader>d g<c-]>
autocmd FileType typescript map <buffer> <c-]> :ALEGoToDefinition<cr>
autocmd FileType typescriptreact <buffer> <c-]> :ALEGoToDefinition<cr>
Getting type of variable
Sometimes you want to see if typescript gets the type of variable under cursor correctly. In nvim-typescript TSType command and ALE has ALEHover command:
autocmd FileType typescript map <buffer> <leader>t :ALEHover<cr>
autocmd FileType typescriptreact map <buffer> <leader>t :ALEHover<cr>
I’m still missing some minor functionality but I think this will be fixed in the future as ALE has issue for code actions:
That’s it for now.